Thursday, September 30, 2010


I really only made this just because I feel like I update my Facebook status farrr too often lately...and because I forgot the information to my last blogspot blog.

There is SO much going on in my life as of late, so many things have drastically changed, so many  new additions to my life; activities as well as people. Sometimes, it's too much to handle, and other times, there isn't enough to do to keep my day productive. One of the biggest changes is the fact that I no longer have that support that I had coming into this. I'm completely on my own, especially now that I no longer have my best friend to tell everything that's going on, whether it be something worth telling or something that I just found amusing. So much has changed in the past month, SO much.. Sometimes, I wonder why I decided to graduate early, to move away from everything I know, from those that I love; and then I remember, this is what was right for me. This is what I needed to do for myself, and ultimately at the end of the day, that's who I am living for -- myself. I made up a quote one morning this past week, "Sometimes I wonder why I didn't stay; most days I remember why I left." I feel like there are a lot of days, moreso now than the previous weeks, where I doubt my decision, that I may have made the wrong decision. Then I remember how much I disliked where i was, not only in physical location, but how I felt as if my life was going no where, and I remember why I left. I never want to blame my accomplishments for the losses that come with it, but sometimes I slip and allow myself to blame.
However, there is only so long of a time where someone can stay unhappy and upset, before you have to make yourself become happy and content with your life again..At the end of the day, losing people will never get easier, especially if they've left a huge mark on your heart like some do. But you remember, love the times you had, and keep moving forward, whether they're with you or not. In the world we live in today, there's no time to keep looking back, trying to pull the past forward with you. Maybe one day the past will catch up with you, and together, you can move forward and live in sync.

That doesn't always happen...We'll see.

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