Friday, October 1, 2010

Always Not Dull

It always surprises me what life can throw at you. Everyone says all these cliche quotes and act as if there are no exceptions to them. For a while, I was a follower, nearly religiously, of some of these quotes.
One in particular is "no trust, no love." for the LONGEST time, I completely agreed with this, until lately. I have realized, that you can once have trust and love, for a long long time, and then something happens, and the trust is lost; the love is not. There may be some anger and disappointment that masks the love for a while, however, love always prevails. Also, trust will eventually be gained back, so long as there are not continued mess ups and repeated actions.
Another quote, or saying rather, that many people say over and over is that actions speak louder than words. I was a firm believer in this one as well..until I was the person who's words were speaking louder than her actions. You can tell someone, and mean it with everything you are, everything you aren't, and not be able to show it. Doesn't mean you don't mean it, doesn't mean it can't be the truth, it just means you can't show it....yet. Likewise, you may say one thing, and do another. Sometimes circumstances occur, where all you have are limited options, all going against what your words say.

Cliche isn't always right, they aren't always the way to go.
So before you judge someone by their actions/words, make sure you know circumstances, make sure you know the whole story before you go and tell a twisted opinion of how YOU think things happened.

Remember.....when it happens to you, it doesn't feel very good. So why do this to someone else?

Also, I would like to add to this;
"I've had enough, now I'm so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now!"

Eminem speaks the truth. There's only so long I can be sad before I make myself not be anymore. I'll be fine, eventually. Everything's going to work out for me, always does. Maybe not in the way I'd expect it to, but it will.....eventually. Just need to wait it out through the storm.

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